Is your network letting you down?
Does your network closet look like a spaghetti monster threw up in it? Messy network closets are more than just eyesores and fire hazards. Unorganized equipment racks are difficult to operate and unpleasant to work on. When something important goes offline and a one-hour fix takes 30 minutes longer than it should have because you had to take more time to figure out what is where, being careful to not unplug something important, while the boss is breathing down your neck to fix it, fixit, fix it!
It can be bad!
Patch cords should be:
- UL rated and/or of known specification.
- Underrated cables cause packet loss.
- Packet losses cause errors in data transmission.
- No longer than necessary.
- The ideal length of an Ethernet cable is exactly as long as it needs to be (up to 100m).
- Every 11.9 inches over that length adds an extra nanosecond of latency.
- Color coded per ANSI/TIA standards.
- Adhering to industry standards results in easy diagnosis of problems and making of changes.
- Inadvertently unplugging primary links is not easily prevented.
Does your network suck? Call RockIT today!